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What does and equestrian do when she's had 4 knee surgeries? Why, she takes up crochet of course!

I've never been able to sit still or just watch TV, so in an effort to keep myself amused I taught myself via YouTube and books to crochet.  It started with ear bonnets for horses and has grown from there.


I mainly crochet what interests me at the time, but I will take commission work on occasion.  Prices for items vary, but average $0.01 per stitch plus materials.


Below are a few of my favorite projects along with items currently available.

Drink Mitts

I have a lot of requests for these!  I've refined my pattern and offer three different standard models.


BASIC - A single layer of chenille or acrylic bulky yarn. Available in your choice of colors and up to 3 stripes (like most football helmets). Looks cool, but not extremely warm. S/M - $20  L - $25


STANDARD - Visually the same as the basic, but has triple layer construction made with chenille or acrylic bulky yarn. Between the outer layers is a layer of reflective bubble insulation. Will keep your hand toasty warm!  Has room to insert a hand warmer inside.  Available in your choice of colors and up to 3 stripes.  S/M - $30  L - $35


PREMIUM - Triple layer construction. Inner layer of chenille yarn next to the hand, a layer of reflective bubble insulation, then an outer layer of plain acrylic worsted (thinner) yarn.  Available in your choice of colors and up to 3 stripes.

S/M - $35   L - $40​

Three custom Premium mitts:

Steelers colors - L with 11 stripes and special fuzzy yarn - $47

Detroit colors- Medium with 7 stripes and plain acrylic yarn - $37

Bills colors - Medium with 7 stripes, extended cuff, and sparkly blue yarn - $40


All Models -  Additional stripes - $0.50 each       

Special yarns/customization/sizing - ask for details

Basic - 3 stripes L

Detail of 3 layers

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Kitty Couches

Totally designed for my old kitty Trey.  As you can see, he enjoyed his couch very much! I made it with chenille yarn around foam cushions.  The cover is removable to wash.


I can make one for your cat or small dog too!  Cost depends on size, design, and materials desired. This one measures 12" high, 28" long and 18" in depth.  Cost would be $75 for a similar couch.

Two other versions - The striped is round and made with plain acrylic yarn leftover from other projects made around a throw pillow.  The red is a bit larger oval shaped in the same kind of chenille yarn as Trey's fancy couch.  These are easier to make and would be $40-60 depending on size.

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Market Bags

I love making market bags/ tote bags.  These are a few I have done.  There are so many cool patterns and colors that can be done and they are so useful!


I like using cotton or cotton/bamboo blends for strength, but acrylic or wool can be used too.  


Cost varies by size and material, $20 - 100  Most shown here are in the $20-40 range.

Crochet Along Blanket

​A "crochet along" is when a designer releases part of a pattern each week, and you "crochet along" with other people and share your progress and results. I made two with different yarns. Both are available for sale.​

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This one is made with cotton/bamboo yarns.  Durable, soft, and machine washable.

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This one is made with silk/bamboo yarns.  It is so soft and silky!

Scrappy Blanket - SOLD

This is a blanket I made using scraps of yarn leftover from various projects.  Each square is a different pattern.  

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Mosaic Purse

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This is a purse/bag I made for myself using the mosaic crochet method.  Its made with wool yarns and is fully lined in cotton fabric with pockets.

7000 Old Solomons Island Rd, Friendship, MD 20758, USA

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